Fresh Vegetable Terrine with Ham

- 2 thick slices Ham with bone (between ½ and 1 cm)
- 2 Mini carrot boots (or 5-6 carrots)
- 2 Spinach handles
- 1 Small Green Asparagus Bundle
- 4 or 5 small leeks
- 12 Radish
- 1 Parsley Boot
- 1/2 Chives Boot
- 3 g Agar-agar
- 2 cubes vegetable broth
- Soy sauce
- Salt and pepper 5 berries
Preparation Method
1. Start this terrine recipe by washing the vegetables. Cut the carrots into sticks and the leeks into chunks. Remove the stems from the radishes and dice them. Cut the ends of the asparagus.
2. Heat 1 liter of water to dissolve the broth tablets. Dip the carrots and leeks first to cook them (they must be tender but not overcooked). Remove them with a skimmer. Poach the asparagus and radishes in the broth 2 min Reserve the vegetables in a salad bowl, season with salt and pepper. Place 60 cl of broth in a cool place (keep the rest for another use: a risotto for example).
3. Meanwhile, line a terrine with food film. Coarsely chop the herbs. Cut two rectangles of ham to the size of the terrine.
4. Dissolve the agar-agar in 60 cl of cooled broth and heat it up. At the first simmering, let it boil for another 2 min, stirring well, then remove from the heat. Add 5 cl of soy sauce and let it cool.
5. Add a handful of chopped herbs to the vegetables. Mix the rest and 15 cl of broth. Season with salt and pepper, then spread the mixture at the bottom of the terrine. Place in a cool place for 25 min Then place half of the vegetables in the length and cover with broth then place in a cool place for 25 min Arrange in the terrine a rectangle of ham, then the vegetables and the rest of the broth. Place the second rectangle of ham. Let take about one night in the refrigerator. Enjoy with toast and a salad with herbs.